January 25, 2020

Marine Corps Marathon Announces 2020 Healthy School Awards

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The Marine Corps Marathon Organization (MCMO) will present the 2020 Healthy School Award to five Northern Virginia elementary schools who have earned the recognition for having the most student participants in the MCM Semper Fun Mile. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the annual MCM Kids Run was rebranded to the MCM Semper Fun Mile, a one-mile virtual-only event for kids to run with their parents or guardians between September 27 – November 10.

Registering a combined 634 students of the 1,825 participants, top schools included:

  • Claremont Immersion, Arlington – 202 students
  • James K. Polk Elementary, Alexandria – 123 students
  • Hampton Oaks Elementary, Stafford – 117 students
  • Crossroads Elementary, Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) school aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico – 106 students
  • George Mason Elementary, Alexandria – 86 students

“Claremont has participated in the MCM Fun Run for the last 9 years,” noted Jason Cash, physical education teacher at Claremont Immersion Elementary School. “We are particularly proud of our students and parents for going the extra mile during this pandemic and for continuing to put the fun in fitness. I couldn’t be more proud of our commitment to this great event.”

While Claremont Immersion, James K. Polk and George Mason Elementary schools have previously won the award, this is a first-time victory for Hampton Oaks and Crossroads Elementary Schools.

“Being a DoDEA school on a Marine Corps Base, we have loved the opportunity for our students to partake in the MCM races for the last three years,” said Leah Wickham, math teacher, Crossroads Elementary School. “We weren’t sure how many families would sign up for this year’s race but were overjoyed when we had over 100 register. It was great knowing we could give the students something to look forward to during this pandemic, while also promoting health and fitness and we are honored to win a Healthy School Award.”

The Healthy School Award includes a $1,000 grant from MCM partner Sodexo to the winning schools’ physical education departments, in addition to healthy snacks for each student.

“It is great to see that even during a global pandemic we have all these kids that want to be healthy,” said Sodexo’s General Manager, John Beck. “It’s important to stay healthy and exercise regularly, but more so during a pandemic.”

In addition to encouraging the next generation of runners, the Healthy School Award promotes student wellness and physical fitness starting at an early age. For more information about the MCM Semper Fun Mile or the Healthy School Award, visit www.marinemarathon.com. The awards will be presented to each school this spring.

Register for the Marine Corps Marathon Weekend

Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.” The weekend also offers the MCM10K and MCM50K.