June 30, 2020

New! Accomplish the MCM Trifecta

Image for New! Accomplish the MCM Trifecta

For the first time in MCM history, ambitious runners can register for three MCM Weekend events through a combination of virtual or live MCM and MCM50K and the virtual MCM10K to complete the Trifecta. This once-in-a-lifetime challenge will reward finishers with a stunning challenge coin in addition to the corresponding finisher medals.

Bravo Zulu is a naval signal meaning, “Well Done.” The BZ challenge coin will be distributed to individuals who complete all three events.

Registration for the virtual MCM and MCM50K events opens to the public on Thursday, July 2 at noon Eastern at www.marinemarathon.com and cost $45 per entry. MCM10K registration remains open at $33 per entry.

The virtual events must be completed between September 27 – November 10, the Marine Corps Birthday. All participants who complete a virtual event will receive the official participant shirt, commemorative bib and the corresponding finisher medal including, for marathon runners, the 45th MCM medal featuring actual volcanic ash from Iwo Jima in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the battle at that location. Runners will also have access to a digital event program, personalized finisher certificate and the Motigo MCM Audio Experience.

Register for the Marine Corps Marathon Weekend

Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.” The weekend also offers the Virtual MCM10K and Virtual MCM50K.