Author Archives: kristen

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Image for Introducing the New MCMO Four-Star Diplomat Program


Introducing the New MCMO Four-Star Diplomat Program

Are you involved in the Marine Corps Marathon Organization (MCMO) running community? Your local running scene? Have a love of running? A following on social media? Interest in volunteering to create content about MCMO events? If that sounds like you, then we want you to join the MCMO’s new Four Star Diplomat Program. The MCMO […]

Image for What to Expect for Live MCMO Events


What to Expect for Live MCMO Events

Running with the Marines is an exhilarating and sometimes life-changing experience that each member of the Marine Corps Marathon Organization (MCMO) running community knows all too well. There’s a one-of-a-kind joy in coming together, competing against yourself and others, and receiving your finisher’s medal from a Marine. And while the global pandemic caused by the […]

Image for Alina Romanowski – On Running with the U.S. Embassy Kuwait Team


Alina Romanowski – On Running with the U.S. Embassy Kuwait Team

Alina Romanowski has been serving as the U.S. Ambassador to the State of Kuwait since last February. So, when the Marine Corps Marathon Organization announced the Desert Storm 218 Miler to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Operation Desert Storm, also known as the liberation of Kuwait, she jumped at the opportunity to participate and honor […]

Image for 5 Indoor Winter Workouts for Runners


5 Indoor Winter Workouts for Runners

Let’s face it, sometimes the frigid temperatures can get in the way of outdoor running in the winter. Whether you’re facing logistical or motivational challenges, winter weather doesn’t have to derail your training. In fact, this is the perfect time to swap out some miles for one or more cross-training activities to get faster, stronger […]

Image for ​Cynthia Orms – Running the Desert Storm 218 Miler in Antarctica


​Cynthia Orms – Running the Desert Storm 218 Miler in Antarctica

Sitting at the Earth’s axis on a shifting continental ice sheet just under two miles thick and at an elevation of 9,300 feet with an average monthly temperature in the winter of -76°F is the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. That’s where 56-year-old Cynthia Orms is set to complete her miles for the Marine Corps Marathon […]

Image for 25 Funny Running Team Names for Desert Storm 218 Miler


25 Funny Running Team Names for Desert Storm 218 Miler

Running 218 miles is no joke, no matter how long you have to complete it. But running 218 miles with your friends, family or a running club can be a lot of fun and clever team names are one way to show some off your personality and keep you amused while pushing your bodies to […]

Image for Introducing the Quantico Crucible 5K


Introducing the Quantico Crucible 5K

The final challenge of recruit training for the United States Marine Corps is known as the Crucible – a 54-hour training exercise where recruits are broken down into squads before facing tasks that test their physical strength, skills and the values they learned throughout training. Only those who make it through this challenge are handed […]

Image for Training Mantras to Kick Start Your New Year’s Resolutions


Training Mantras to Kick Start Your New Year’s Resolutions

For many people, 2020 has been a tough year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The continued spread of the virus means every day routines have been disrupted, intermittent lockdowns are now the new normal and social interactions remain limited. So, it’s completely understandable if resolutions made for the year were revised, shelved or completely thrown […]

Image for MCM Holiday Recipes


MCM Holiday Recipes

‘Tis the season to treat yourself to something sweet. Enjoy these delicious holiday recipes from staff members of the Marine Corps Marathon Organization. Cranberry Nut Dessert Ingredients:1 cup flour1 cup sugar¼ teaspoon salt2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries½ cup chopped walnuts½ cup butter or margarine, melted2 eggs, beaten½ teaspoon almond extract Instructions: Combine flour, sugar […]

Image for Get Mission Ready with MCM


Get Mission Ready with MCM

Runners training for the 2021 Historic Half or MCM Weekend events can now be rewarded as they move from Mission Preparedness to Mission Execution. The Marine Corps Marathon Organization is introducing the new Mission Ready: Historic Half and Mission Ready: MCM events. The virtual interactive events span the six weeks prior to both events and […]

Register for the Marine Corps Marathon Weekend

Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.” The weekend also offers the MCM10K and MCM50K.