August 13, 2020

Safety Guidelines for Live Events

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To prioritize the health and safety of the MCM running community and staff, we’re taking preventative measures and implementing the following guidelines for all in-person events:


  • Do not participate if you are feeling sick or ill, have a fever or experiencing flu-like symptoms, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
  • Persons from high-risk groups for COVID-19 complications should consult their physician before participating.
  • Runners are encouraged to not attend, defer or switch to a virtual event if they’re experiencing any symptoms.
  • Bandanas are no longer advised as a face covering


  • Masks must cover the nose and mouth.
  • Do practice social distancing – at various locations at the start and finish and along the course. Ensure appropriate spacing between runners; the current recommendation is ten feet of separation during activity.
  • Do not engage in traditional forms of physical contact (handshakes, high-fives, hugs, partner stretching) or close group pictures/selfies, unless from the same household. *Please be respectful of other people’s personal space and their reactions – if they seem uncomfortable, add more space between you if possible.
  • Do wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after using a port-a-john.
  • Do not share personal items, such as towels, food, hydration, energy gels, etc.
  • Participants should carry personal hydration (bottles/packs) if possible and use water stations as necessary while maintaining social distance guidelines.
  • Additional masks will be available at water stations should your mask need replacing.


  • Do not spit. If you must spit, do so away from people and areas that will have foot traffic.
  • Only blow your nose in a tissue or a small towel; store, then dispose of properly.
  • Announce when passing to allow for maximum space
  • Run single-file, not two abreast unless there is ample public space to do so
  • Dispose of waste in proper receptacles
  • Lower volume in earbuds to maintain ability to hear other runners.

Please note that all individuals, age 18 and above, attending a Marine Corps Marathon Organization (MCMO) event on base and who do not possess a valid DoD issued ID card (CAC or TESLIN) must register into DBIDS and stop by the Visitor Control Center (VCC) to obtain a visitor pass. Please click here for more information.

Register for the Marine Corps Marathon Weekend

Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.” The weekend also offers the MCM10K and MCM50K.